miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Unidad Cierre

Unidad 1 Act. 2

Redacte dos párrafos en inglés de lo que hará Rubén si no hace frio el día siguiente o el fin de semana empleando la estructura del primer condicional y realice un audio del mismo texto. Recuerde que la redacción y el audio deberán incluir por lo menos cinco frases que conserven la estructura del condicional Tipo-1.
1.      Realizar 2 párrafos y 1 audio.
R: Párrafos.
1.      Si hace frio, Rubén irá a caminar por el parque de Beijíng, ve por la ventana y se da cuenta que hay personas que usan camisa manga corta, el sale de su casa y cree que será un día mejor, si el clima no cambia, Rubén tendría que hacer otra cosa.

1.      If it is cold, Rubén will go for a walk in the park of Beijíng, go out the window and realize that there are people who wear short sleeve shirt, he leaves his house and believes that it will be a better day, if the weather does not change, Ruben would have to do something else.

2.      Rubén se encuentra con una amiga llamada Melissa, hablan un rato sobre sus vidas, él le hace una invitación, si viene el poeta, podemos ir al teatro, si esta soleado el fin de semana podemos ir al centro comercial.

2.        Ruben meets a friend named Melissa, they talk for a while about their lives, he gives him an invitation, if the poet comes, we can go to the theater, if it's sunny on the weekend we can go to the mall. 

R: Enlace audio.

Unidad 1 Act. 3

1. Elabore un folleto virtual de los lugares turísticos de Beijing, donde utilice al menos 10 oraciones que empleen la estructura estudiada para el Condicional Tipo-1

2. Responda una de las preguntas planteadas por Rubén.
R: Which of the places mentioned in the Reading would you like to visit ¿why?
* I would like to visit The Forbidden City.
* Because it is where we find the largest collection of ancient wooden structures that are perfectly preserved in the world.

3. Elabore un video de los lugares turísticos de Beijing.

Unidad 2 Act. 2

1.       Redacte 2 párrafos en tiempo pasado, en inglés, sobre cómo terminó el día de piscina de Rubén. Mencione en su párrafo qué otras actividades o planes habrían realizado Rubén y Melissa empleado la estructura de condicional 2.
-          Rubén viajó a Beijing, fue su primera vez, el tomo la decisión de viajar solo. Si hubiera prestado atención a su amigo a Rubén le hubiese ido mejor y se había podido comunicarse bien con los chinos.
·         Rubén traveled to Beijing, it was his first time, he made the decision to travel alone. If he had paid attention to his friend Ruben would have done better and had been able to communicate well with the Chinese.

-          Rubén y su amiga habrían podido ir al teatro nacional a ver el Poeta, pero hablaron y quedaron que buscaron otro plan.
·         Ruben and his friend could have gone to the National Theatre to see the Poet, but they talked and they were left looking for another plan.

2.       Realice un audio de los párrafos que elaboró. Recuerde que la redacción y el audio deberán incluir por lo menos cinco frases que conserven la estructura del condicional Tipo-2.

Unidad 2 Act. 3

Places to visit in China

Resultado de imagen para china

  • Si tuviera dinero, viajaría a China.
  • If I had money, I would travel to China.
Resultado de imagen para beijing
  • Si estuvieramos en China, podriamos visitar Beijing.
  • If we were in China, we could visit Beijing.
Resultado de imagen para la gran muralla china
  • Si fuera a china, iría a la gran muralla.
  • If I went to China, I would go to the great wall.

Resultado de imagen para templo del cielo
  • Si estuvieran en China, visitarían el Templo del Cielo. 
  • If you were in China, you will visit the Temple of Heaven.

Imagen relacionada
  • Si estuviera en China, te llevaría a el Estadio.
  • If I were in China, I would take you to the Stadium.
Resultado de imagen para ciudad prohibida
  • Si no tenemos dinero, visitaría la Ciudad Prohibida. 
  • If we don't have money, I would visit the Forbidden City.

Resultado de imagen para el Gran canal

    • Si estuviera en China, estaría en el Gran Canal.
    • If I were in China, I would be on the Grand Canal.
    Imagen relacionada

    • Si no trabajo, no viajare a las Tumbas Ming. 
    • If I don't work, I wont't travel to the Ming Tombs.
    Resultado de imagen para china
    • Si me voy de viaje, visitaría lugares en China.
    • If I would be traveling, would visit places in China.
    Resultado de imagen para estadio de nido

    • Si viajara a China, me gustaría ver un partido en el estadio. 
    • If I traveled to China, I wouldlike to see a game at the stadium.

    1. From the 5 places mentioned here above, which ones would you like to visit the most? why?
    • De los 5 lugares mencionados anteriormente ¿Cuales le gustaría visitar más? ¿Por qué?

    • The Terracotta Army.
    • For its history and for what it has been undergrount for more than 2.000 years. In 1987 it became a cultural Heritage or Humanity.
    • El ejército de Terracota.
    • Por su historia, por lo que ha estado bajo tierra durante más de 2.000 años. En 1987 se convirtió en Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.
    • The Great Wall of China.
    • For its great architecture.
    • La Gran Muralla China.
    • Por su gran Arquitectura.

    • What would you like to do as a turist if you had the possibility to visit China.
    • Que le gustaría hacer como turista si tuviera la posibilidad de visitar China.
    • Me gustaría conocer su gran arquitectura y visitar los lugares antiguos.
    • I would like to know its great architecture and visit the ancient place.

    Thank you Gracias 

    Unidad 3 Act. 2

    1.      Redacte 5 frases en tiempo Presente Perfecto y 5 frases en tiempo Pasado Perfecto en inglés sobre la visita de Rubén a la ciudad prohibida de Beijing:

    ü  Perfect Present time

    v  If I had studied the language a little more, communication would not be complicated.
    v  He had looked forward to the day to travel to Beijing.
    v  I had been in Beijing for a few more days, if I had planned for a longer time.
    v  If I had more time, I should learn more about the language.
    v  Ruben had a conversation with one of his friends and explained how to locate himself in the city.

    ü  Perfect Past Time

    v  Ruben has traveled alone to China, despite not knowing much the language.
    v  He has studied the sign language to communicate with people.
    v  Ruben has taken advantage of the week of the trip, to learn more.
    v  He has managed to communicate, thanks to his friend who explained several things.
    v  He has enjoyed his stay in China, thanks to the collaboration of his friend.

    2.      Elabore un audio de las frases que elaboró y cree cinco ejemplos diferentes en donde emplee la estructura del condicional Tipo-3 relacionado al contexto dado:

    v  If I had known that the language was complicated, I had studied more.
    v  If he had lasted longer in Beijing, he had enjoyed more.
    v  If Ruben had more time, he could learn the language better.
    v  If he had come more prepared, he would not have had difficulties.
    v  If Ruben had gone to other places in China, he would have known more about the culture.

    3.      Enlace del audio:

    Unidad 3 Act. 3

    Travel to Colombia

    Resultado de imagen para colombia

    If you had more time, you should travel to Colombia.

    Resultado de imagen para avianca

     Major Airlines: Avianca - Latam - Viva Colombia

    Important days for Colombia

    Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen para 20 de julio      July 20th.                 August 07th

    If I had more time, you could have gone to the Boyaca Bridge.

    Typical Dishes

    Resultado de imagen para Mondongo


    Resultado de imagen para tamal con chocolate

    Chocolate tamale

    If I had known about the typical dishes, I would have gone to try them.

    Resultado de imagen para picada colombiana   Picada
    Resultado de imagen para carne a la llanera

    Llanera meat

    Colombian Accents

    Resultado de imagen para acentos colombianos

    If they had come to Colombia, they had heard their variety of accents.

    Travel to China

    Resultado de imagen para china

    Resultado de imagen para aerolineas ChinasMajor Airlines: China Eastern - China Airlines

    If you had gone to China, you would have enjoyed their culture.

    Important days for China

    If she had gone to China in September, she would have been at the mid-autumn festival.

    Resultado de imagen para dia de los muertos en china

    Day of the Dead (Qingming)

    Resultado de imagen para festival del medio otoño china

    Mid autumn festival.

    Resultado de imagen para dragon boat day

    Dragon boat day.

    Resultado de imagen para Día Nacional de República Popular China
    National Day of the People's Republic of China.

    Typical Dishes

    Resultado de imagen para Chow Mein

    Chow Mein.

    Resultado de imagen para Pato a la pekinesa

    Peking Duck. 

    Resultado de imagen para Won Ton sopa

    Won Ton sopa.

    Resultado de imagen para Rollitos de primavera Spring rolls.

    If you had not left, you had tried the typical dishes of China.

    Chinese customs

    The new year, your big party.

    It is the most important traditional holiday in China.

    Children of the Dragon.
    Dragons have an important role in Chinese symbology. They are considered wise and powerful creatures.

    Taichí is a Chinese martial art. It is currently an activity practiced by thousands of people in city parks.

    Landscape transformed by rice.

    Large areas of the Chinese landscape are transformed by rice crops, one of the favorite foods in Asia and that is necessary to feed millions of inhabitants. The image is from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

    Soccer in the mud.
    This Chinese athlete is celebrating the victory of his team in a swamp football game, which is played in a mud pool in Beijing. Each team consists of six people, one of them must be a woman. This activity, despite being very curious, does not captivate the public.

    Devotion for pandas.
    One of the characteristic animals of China is the panda, as they are native to that country. They are threatened with extinction, so the laws protect them. The punishments for those who hunt them have been very severe.

    From the 5 places mentioned here above, which ones would you like to visit the most? Why?

    I would like to visit The Forbidden City. 

    Because it is where we find the largest collection of ancient wooden structures that are perfectly preserved in the world.

    What would you like to do as a tourist if you had the possibility to visit China? 

    I would like to learn more about their culture, and visit their different historical places.